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About Bạn Bọc
"Bạn bọc" is a personification of the bag. It is a friend of marine creatures since they have to deal with daily rubbish in the water. The fact that aquatic organisms see rubbish as a friend reflects their powerlessness and despondency. They have no choice but to adapt and endure living with garbage.

The "Bạn bọc" project is a packaging project for biodegradable plastic bags, that intends to employ visuals to deliver environmental preservation messages. The indiscriminate use of plastic bags has created a threat to the entire ecology, especially the marine ecosystem.

Through the project, we want to simultaneously convey a message to consumers, encouraging them to be more ecologically responsible by utilizing more environmentally friendly packaging products.

Project Orientation
The main characters for the package set are three animals: a Sea Turtle, a Hammerhead Shark, and an Octopus. These characters are created in a pleasant way, allowing the audience to see the characters' expressions that touch the viewers' hearts more.

The visual of the characters crying as they hug their "bag" pal is meant to make customers more mindful and responsible every time they use a plastic bag.

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